Montag, 14. November 2016

He Nanda Nanda Gopala chanted by Vani Devi

Vani Devi sings Hey Nanda Nanda Gopala. It is a Krishna Kirtan. Nanda means joy. You´ll find the Song at number 173 in the Yoga Vidya kirtanbook. Here are the lyrics:

173. He Nanda Nanda Gopala
He Nandananda Gopala
Anandananda Gopala
He Nandananda,
Yadu Nandananda Gopala

English meaning:
O Krishna, joy of bliss, blissful, bring us all the salvation of the Divine.

Deutsche Bedeutung:
Oh Krishna, du Freude der Glückseligkeit, du Wonnevoller, bringe uns allen die Seligkeit des Göttlichen.

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